Croatian National Theatre Zagreb performed in “Zetski dom” in 1910

The potential of cooperation between the Royal Theatre “Zetski dom” and the Croatian National Theatre – CNT from Zagreb in the following period was the focus of discussions between the managements of the two theatres this week. Both institutions belong to the European Theatre Convention, and its cooperation dates back to 1910.
Just then, the Croatian National Theatre from Zagreb, was a guest in “Zetski dom”, and today in discussions about future cooperation between the two theatres we still remember that tour. It was the first guest appearance of a foreign theatre in the history of Montenegro, which until then had only occasionally been visited by traveling troupes.
The guest appearance of the Croatian National Theatre was followed by two jubilees – in Cetinje, 50 years of Prince Nikola’s reign were celebrated, while in Croatia, 70 years of the beginning of theatre professionalism were celebrated. It is particularly important to point out that the Zagreb theatre arranged play “The Balkan Empress” by Prince Nikola, and its premiere was in “Zetski dom”. Later, that play will be performed at the main stage of the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb.
The Ensemble of the Croatian National Theatre started tour in Cetinje on August 13th, 1910, and ended on August 18th, 1910, during which six plays were performed. At the beginning, on August 13th and 14th, the Zagreb ensemble presented the previously unknown pieces “Ekvinocijo” (Ivo Vojinović) and “Bezdušna šala” (Sam Benelli) to the audience in “Zetski dom”.
Then, on August 15th was the premiere of “The Balkan Empress”. In the play, directed by Josip Bach, the roles were played by Andrija Fijan, Franjo Sotošek, Bogumila Vilhar, Mila Dimitrijević, Josip Papić, Josip Anić, Milivoj Barbarić, Stjepan Lijanka, Andrija Gerašić, Franjo Stipetić and Vjekoslav Velić.
A day later, there was a performance of Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, and on August 17th, “Electra”, along with the one-act comedy “Ono nešto”. The tour of the Croatian National Theatre in Cetinje ended with the play “The Morality of Mrs. Dulska”, which was performed on August 18th.
The management and ensemble of the Croatian National Theatre were received by King Nikola and Queen Milena. On that occasion, the King presented the Medals for the Independence of Montenegro and the Gold Medal for Zeal, along with words of gratitude, which were also reported by the press at the time.
Read more about the recent meeting between the managements of “Zetski dom” and the Croatian National Theatre from Zagreb here.
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(photo: Zetski dom / archive)