Zetski dom

The play “Groupie”, based on the one-act plays “Autograph for Milica” and “Groupie”, by prominent contemporary Croatian writer Mate Matišić, directed by Ana Vukotić, will be performed tomorrow in the Royal Theatre “Zetski dom” at 8pm.

The cast includes Dejan Ivanić, Ana Vujošević, Marija Maša Labudović, Vule Marković, Goran Vujović, Jelica Vukčević and Vukan Pejović.

In addition to direction, Vukotić signed the adaptation and design of performance, dramaturgy by Željka Udovićič-Pleština and Rajko Radulović. Costumography by Lina Leković, screening and video installation by Ivan Marušić Klif, scenography by Andrea Rondović, music by Aleksandar Radunović, and Nina Martinović was the assistant of director.

Tickets can be purchased at box office of the Royal Theatre “Zetski dom” from 10am to 1pm and from 6pm to 8pm. Telephone for information: 067428655.

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(photo: Duško Miljanić)